"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."
-Frederick Douglass
Why EQ and YOU?
In the first five years of life, children begin to understand who they are, what they are feeling and what to expect when interacting with others. This helps them develop their “Sense of Self” & the understanding of “Relationships and Others”. This forms the foundation for the type of adult they will grow up to be. Therefore, having the right exposure, awareness of self and others is crucial during these formative years.
Research states that socially and emotionally equipped children are productive, cooperative and show signs of being better leaders. In fact it is a well-known fact today that EQ is more indicative of future professional success than IQ. Daniel Goleman (American Psychologist) states that children with higher EQ earn better grades, stay in school longer and make healthier choices in life, thus bullying, disciplinary problems, violence and drug abuse are reduced in such children.
What is EQ and YOU?
“EQ and You - The ABC’s of a Happy Child” is a program developed at MindSpeak, based on the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program, principles of Play Therapy and Mindfulness. Our classes span over a month and take place once a week.
The SEL model is defined as “the process through which students gain and effectively apply the knowledge, attitude and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and express empathy for others, develop and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions”, thereby enhancing a child’s EQ (Emotional Intelligence).
Through our 1-hour weekly classes we will be working towards developing your child’s EQ by creating:
Awareness: Regarding emotions the child experiences in everyday scenarios
Behaviour: Helping them understand the behavior that follows the emotional experience
Change: Helping them make a change in the way they process, express and deal with their emotions.
Additionally, we aim to increase emotional understanding and interaction between the child and parent. Parents will be playing an active role during the program, because they will be provided with self-reflective materials that can be practiced at home. At the end of the program a brief reflective (non diagnostic) report of the child will be shared indicating what the child has learnt and the areas that need further development (based on the observations made in class and the information received from the non-diagnostic assessment forms that the child's parents fill in).
Emotions & Behaviours
It is important to remember that no child is bad; it is only behaviours that are challenging. Therefore equipping our children with the right emotional vocabulary and right coping strategies is crucial in helping them develop into whole rounded individuals.
Support your child today by:
Helping your angry child who hits; express their anger in a healthy
Helping your shy child find her voice.
Not letting anxiety become your child's identity.
Focus of our classes
Social Awareness
Relationship Skills
Responsible Decision Making
With fun-filled educational activities like:
Music & Movement
EQ and YOU Class Model
Our class is divided into blocks. One block contains four themes/classes (2 social themes and 2 emotion-based themes).
For ages: 3-6 years
Duration: 1 hour
Frequency: Once a week
Mode: Online and offline
How do online classes work?
A link will be shared through whatsapp to join the class.
You can avail one free trial class and decide if you would like to sign up for a block.
The duration and frequency of classes will remain the same.
Class themes and activities will be customized and modified according to the age and needs of the child.
At the end of one block (4 classes), if you and your little one would like to continue, we would be glad to book your little one's seat for further blocks.
Resources (discussion/reflective activity sheets, videos etc.) will be shared through whatsapp after each class.
If your little one completes 2 blocks (8 classes in total), a reflective report (based on observations made in class and information obtained from non-diagnostic assessment filled in by the parent) will be shared with you which will include the child's learnings and areas that need further development.
For charges and other queries, please call or whatsapp us.
How do offline classes work?
We request parents to arrange a space and a minimum of 3 children.
You can avail one free trial class and decide if you would like to sign up for a block.
The duration and frequency of classes will remain the same.
Class themes and activities will be customized and modified according to the age and needs of the child.
If you and your little one would like to continue, we would be glad to book your little one's seat for further blocks.
Resources pertaining to the concepts and skills of the theme introduced will be shared during class.
If your little one completes 2 blocks (8 classes in total), a reflective report (based on observations made in class and information obtained from non-diagnostic assessment filled in by the parent) will be shared with you which will include the child's learnings and areas that need further development.
For charges and other queries, please call or whatsapp us.
Our EQ and YOU gallery
Get a glimpse into our fun and educational social-emotional learning classes!